I will . . .(a new habit you want)

decrease my range of motion until the movement is pain-free
increase or decrease my speed until the movement feels good
stop and think about activities from the past 48 hours that may be a factor
increase or decrease loading until the movement feels good
Say, "I will slow down 10%"
take note of what I'm feeling and where
notice the very first place I move from
take note of the weight distribution in my feet
take note of what I did well
take note of what I'm feeling and where
choose the next small milestone to get to
say, "I do hard things. I am DOING hard things."
rest and then do one more set—making it as easy as necessary
If you have any apprehension or extra delay, make things easier. Drop weight or reps until you clearly and calmly feel, "Yes. I can do this."
decrease my range of motion until the movement is pain-free
increase or decrease my speed until the movement feels good
stop and think about activities from the past 48 hours that may be a factor
increase or decrease loading until the movement feels good
stop and perform an exercise that balances out my assymetries
Dr. Fogg loves this habit recipe!

After I . . .(a behavior you already do)

feel discomfort or apprehension
hear a clicking or grinding sound
notice myself rushing
feel like I want to quit
feel ready to begin a rep
complete a rep
Am feeling curious about my technique

Here is your habit recipe:

After I feel discomfort or apprehension,
I will decrease my range of motion until the movement is pain-free.

Take the next step now . . .

The Tiny Habits team can help you succeed.