I will . . .(a new habit you want)

read one paragraph from a book
open my "to do" list
think about my life's purpose
wipe off one countertop or surface
launch my word processing program
write down my top priority for the day
turn on my audio book
turn on a podcast episode
tidy up one item
put my phone on "do not disturb" mode
set a timer for 5 minutes and dive into my work project.
eat a vegetable that I enjoy
fill a glass with water
tidy one item in the fridge
make a cup of green tea/black coffee
eat a handful of blueberries
Blueberries are excellent for your health. And this includes frozen blueberries. But with frozen, you probably put them in a smoothie, not in your hand.
put MCT oil in my coffee/tea
think about my life's purpose
close my eyes and relax for three breaths
walk outside briefly
think of one thing I'm grateful for
give someone a hug
stretch my body briefly
text a happy or funny emoji to someone
write down my top priority for the day
imagine my favorite teacher cheering me on
turn on my audio book
think of someone who loves me a lot
turn on a podcast episode
open the window and take a breath of fresh air
turn on music that makes me feel calm and happy.
tidy up one item
take a deep relaxing breath
say, "It's going to be a great day!"
set out my yoga mat
light a candle
think to myself, "Everyone is doing they best they can."
say a brief prayer
read one verse of scripture
wipe off one countertop or surface
tidy one item in the fridge
tidy up one item
wash one item in the kitchen sink
think of one person I should connect with today
give someone a hug
send a text message to someone I love
text a happy or funny emoji to someone
look at happy photos on my phone
think of someone who loves me a lot
write the name of someone I will thank with a note.
say, "What's on your mind?"
set my device down and really listen.
say, "That's interesting. Tell me more."
put my phone down and pay attention
say, "What do YOU think is the best solution?"
put my phone on "do not disturb" mode
give my spouse (or child) a hug
phone my mom or dad
read one paragraph from a book
turn on my audio book
turn on a podcast episode
say, "That's interesting. Tell me more."
put my phone on "do not disturb" mode
play three chords on my guitar
study one word of Hawaiian (or other language)
walk outside briefly
fill a glass with water
stretch my body briefly
do two pushups against the counter
set out my yoga mat
do two pushups
do three squats
Squats are a great exercise you can do most anywhere. If you are feeling motivated to do more than three, then yes -- Go for it! But don't raise the bar on yourself. The tiny version is just three squats, and doing that is always okay -- and a success.
plank for three breaths
do three dumbell rows
Dumbell rows: You can always do more if you want.
do two lunges on each leg
read one paragraph from a book
open my journal
think about my life's purpose
eat a vegetable that I enjoy
turn on a podcast episode
set out my yoga mat
play three chords on my guitar
make a cup of green tea/black coffee
play some classical music (like Mozart)
put MCT oil in my coffee/tea
close my eyes and relax for three breaths
stretch my body briefly
take a deep relaxing breath
put on glasses that block blue light.
open the window and take a breath of fresh air
switch off notifications on my phone
say out loud (or write) how I feel about the task ahead
do one session of Wim Hof breathing
redirect my entire body to what I'm doing
look at the object that I'll use and slowly nod for 10 seconds
look at the object that I'll use with a smirk of confidence
look at the object I'll use and nod slowly for 10 seconds with a confident smirk
look at the object that I'll use and nod slowly as I imagine using that object
engage my peripheral awareness for a few moments
tell people I live with that I need uninterrupted focus for X minutes
remove my watch and hide other timekeeping devices from view
close my eyes, nod slowly, & imagine myself doing the task
look at happy photos on my phone
set my device down and really listen.
turn on music that makes me feel calm and happy.
put my phone down and pay attention
put my phone on "do not disturb" mode
open my journal
close my eyes and relax for three breaths
walk outside briefly
think of one thing I'm grateful for
give someone a hug
imagine my favorite teacher cheering me on
recite a scripture in my head
think of someone who loves me a lot
say, "What's on your mind?"
open the window and take a breath of fresh air
turn on music that makes me feel calm and happy.
take a deep relaxing breath
say, "It's going to be a great day!"
play three chords on my guitar
light a candle
think to myself, "Everyone is doing they best they can."
say a brief prayer
open my journal
think about my life's purpose
think of one thing I'm grateful for
write down my top priority for the day
recite a scripture in my head
set my device down and really listen.
say, "That's interesting. Tell me more."
say, "It's going to be a great day!"
read one verse of scripture
think of one person I should connect with today
give someone a hug
send a text message to someone I love
look at happy photos on my phone
write the name of someone I will thank with a note.
say, "What's on your mind?"
set my device down and really listen.
say, "That's interesting. Tell me more."
give my spouse (or child) a hug
open my "to do" list
think about my life's purpose
say, "Let me sleep on it"
text a happy or funny emoji to someone
look at happy photos on my phone
turn on my audio book
turn on a podcast episode
turn on music that makes me feel calm and happy.
think about my life's purpose
send a text message to someone I love
look at happy photos on my phone
think of someone who loves me a lot
write the name of someone I will thank with a note.
say, "What's on your mind?"
set my device down and really listen.
say, "That's interesting. Tell me more."
put my phone down and pay attention
say, "What do YOU think is the best solution?"
give my spouse (or child) a hug
phone my mom or dad
close my eyes and relax for three breaths
stretch my body briefly
send a text message to someone I love
look at happy photos on my phone
set my device down and really listen.
take a deep relaxing breath
set out my yoga mat
play three chords on my guitar
light a candle
play some classical music (like Mozart)
put on sunscreen
floss around one tooth
think of one person I should connect with today
say, "What's on your mind?"
set my device down and really listen.
say, "That's interesting. Tell me more."
say, "What do YOU think is the best solution?"
tidy one item in the fridge
say, "What's on your mind?"
put my phone down and pay attention
give my spouse (or child) a hug
think to myself, "Everyone is doing they best they can."
open my journal
launch my word processing program
turn on music that makes me feel calm and happy.
put my phone on "do not disturb" mode
play three chords on my guitar
set out my materials for arts / crafts
browse Pinterest for new ideas
This habit recipe is not good.

After I . . .(a behavior you already do)

feed the dog/cat
toss and turn in bed at night
shut down my computer for the day
sit down for lunch
get ready to start a meeting
flush the toilet and wash my hands
wait for a meeting to begin
start exercising
walk into my home after work
wake up in the middle of the night
turn off my alarm in the morning
call the kids for breakfast
return to a project from being interrupted
start the washer/dryer
prepare to meditate
decide to focus on something
get on my bike
plug my phone in to charge at night
make a cup of coffee/tea
get ready to focus on a project
turn on the shower
shave in the morning
pee (when I'm at home)
sit down for breakfast
have an urge to buy something
sit down at my work desk
turn off the TV in the evening
take my vitamins
buckle my seatbelt in the car
check my voicemail
make my bed
put my head on my pillow
pick up my phone to make a call
realize I'm worrying about a problem
realize the deadline is just a few minutes away
finish flossing
put my feet on the floor in the morning (getting out of bed)
place my laptop in front of me
put dirty laundry in the basket
feel myself rushing
finish cleaning up after dinner
finish listening to a podcast
park at work
hang up the phone
remove my makeup at night
realize my mind is wandering away from my project
start the coffee maker/tea kettle
prepare my desk to start studying
put my dirty clothes in the hamper
pack my work bag in the morning
get ready to read a book
take off my shoes in the evening
empty the dishwasher
start the dishwasher
realize I've been on social media too long
put my kids to bed
turn on the microwave
walk the dog
start filling my car with gas
get out of the shower
finish my afternoon snack
brush my teeth
get into my pajamas
arrive home from my workout
arrive at the office/workplace
say goodnight to my kids
hear someone tell me about their life
say my prayers at night
turn on the TV in the evening
say a blessing on the food
pray in the morning
get ready to watch a movie
put on my watch
hear someone speak to me
lock the car at work
greet a family member who arrives home
sit down to wait for bus/train
realize that I'm procrastinating
put on my shoes in the morning
merge onto the highway
feel a resistance to starting a task
notice the sun has set in the evening
hear someone complain
feel a setback while doing a project
put on my glasses
finish reading the news
stop at a stoplight
put on my pajamas
hang up my bath towel
wake up in the morning (and I'm still in bed)
push down the toast
turn on my computer for a Zoom call
lock the doors at night
pour a cup of coffee/tea
put on deodorant

Here is your habit recipe:

After I feed the dog/cat,
I will read one paragraph from a book.

Take the next step now . . .

Dr. BJ Fogg can help you create habits quickly & easily.